Lil Depressed Boy #15 (2011)

Lil Depressed Boy #15 (2011)

Written by S. Steven Struble
Art by Sina Grace
Cover by Ani Mojgani
'SCIENCE OF YOU' The Li'l Depressed Boy's world is growing and the past is starting its long journey in the rearview. What does the future hold for LDB? Featuring a wraparound cover by the often magical INVINCIBLE and SCIENCE DOG co-creator, CORY WALKER.
Date Available: 01/16/2013
Written by S. Steven Struble
Art by Sina Grace
Cover by Ani Mojgani
'SCIENCE OF YOU' The Li'l Depressed Boy's world is growing and the past is starting its long journey in the rearview. What does the future hold for LDB? Featuring a wraparound cover by the often magical INVINCIBLE and SCIENCE DOG co-creator, CORY WALKER.
Date Available: 01/16/2013