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Star Wars Vader Down #1 blank cover

Star Wars Vader Down #1 blank cover


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(W) Jason Aaron
(A) Mike Deodato
(CA) Blank

When Darth Vader accidentally finds himself facing off against the Rebel Fleet on his own, the rebels will learn the true strength of the Dark Side of the Force! Once Vader crashes on a nearby planet, the Rebellion is willing to risk everything for this once-in-a-lifetime chance to take out one of their biggest enemies! Luke! Vader! Leia! Aphra! Han! Chewie! And all manner of Droid, good and evil! ONE SHOT/Rated T
Date Available: 11/18/2015


Buy it! Buy it now! If you read comics and can even tolerate Star Wars you want this book! I don't have enough exclamation points to express how enthusiastic I am for this book!! Jason Aaron manages to out-Vader Kieran Gillen's Vader, who is a pretty spectacular Vader as Vaders go. Mike Deodato'a art is sharp and appealing for all but two panels in an over-sized issue of fear, pain, and dead men. If you haven't been reading either Star Wars or Darth Vader, you'll get two pages to bring you up to speed. Skip it at your peril. This books is spectacular fun. Please please please please please don't miss it.

Kevin Healy 10 out of 10 GRAHAMS

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