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Air #1


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Written by G. Willow Wilson Art and cover by M.K. Perker

Ladies and gentlemen, there’s been a change in our flight plan. You may have heard of a group called the Etesian Front — vigilantes dedicated to taking the skies back from terrorism. Sounds like a noble cause, right? But there’s more to them than meets the eye. They’re after someone I know. Someone who is either an average frequent flier — or a terrorist. And he’s got a secret. Something that will change the way we fly — and the way we see technology — forever. To find him, we’ve altered course. We’re en route to a country that doesn’t exist on any maps. Only one person knows how to get us there: me. My name is Blythe, and I’ll be your stewardess today. So buckle your seatbelts — this will be the flight of your life. This extra-sized debut issue features the series’ regular cover price of $2.99 US. Don’t miss a special preview of AIR #1 in MADAME XANADU #1!

Date Available: 08/20/2008

REVIEW by Brian Fisher

Satire is great… when it’s done right. More often than not satire ends up being misused, and instead of entertaining and informing you about current events it bludgeons you over the head with the point that’s trying to be made. Satire is supposed to be subtle and is meant for the reader to come to their own conclusions about what is trying to be said. That’s what Air lets you do. It gives you a broad, satirical view of airlines’ reaction to a post 9/11 world and lets you make a decision about the ideas presented to you. Another excellent thinking-man’s comic from those great folks over at Vertigo.

I give it 8 out of 10 Grahams