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Amazing Spider-Man #6 (2022) second print

Amazing Spider-Man #6 (2022) second print

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(W) Zeb Wells
(A) Ed McGuinness
(CA) Mark Bagley
second print

LANDMARK ISSUE #900! The nine-hundredth issue of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes out the month of Spider-Man's 60th Anniversary, and we are pulling out ALL THE STOPS! Someone from Spider-Man's past has captured the Sinister Six and used them to create the truly terrifying SINISTER ADAPTOID! This is one of the biggest adventures in Spider-History and you will not believe the ending!
Date Available: 09/14/2022


Four stories, ten bucks, 60 years of Spidey history.

Zeb Wells has been doing a fine job on his current ASM run, and delivers an anniversary issue worth reading, if unspectacular.
For anyone worried you need to have read 200 issues previously to understand what's going on here, have no fear. This is very much like an annual. That's probably deliberate given how heavily it relies on the Sinister Six for its inspiration and main story content. You'll be able to walk in, read what's here, and walk out (if that's your choice). The main story is a whopper in length, a true 70 page monster. Without spoiling too much, Spider-Man is a hero who will try his best to do heroic things (to the best of his understanding) at every turn. A fun, if simple, distillation of what makes Peter the Parker we all love, drawn with gusto and WAYYYYY more cartooning that we'd usually see from Ed McGuinness. He's got a bevy of inkers with him, but there's really only one page that looks a bit out of place.

The main story is followed by three shorts. There's a library short where readers are told they can read comics for free. This is terrible, remember, buy comics. Imagine a They Live CONSUME right here. It's by an uncredited team, and may actually have been written by a library and drawn by David Marquez?

Next, we get a Spidey-Jimmy Kimmel team-up, also w/out credits, so written by a different library, and drawn by Todd Nauck?

Last is a simple but great two pager by Dan Slott and Marcos Martin, both of whom get credit for the work they did, that should make any Spidey fan excited that Slott is coming back to write a Spidey ongoing.(Yeah, some of us were fans of that ol' fashioned long form storytelling.)

Kevin Healy 7 out of 10 GRAHAMS

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