Home / Suicide Squad #21 (2011)
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Certainly, the New 52's version of the Suicide Squad has been a very hit or miss title. First two issues loved it, next couple not so much, then we added Yo-yo, lost yo-yo, found yo-yo again (Holy ironic character name!). Harley was nuts, then sane, then nuts again. And then there was the whole we've got a formula that brings you back from the dead plot point that null and voids the whole suicide part of the title, don'cha think?! (OMG ... Batman if you are reading this just ignore that last point. Damion is dead. This won't work. Sorry. But if it does, remember that you read it here first!) This issue is hopefully getting us back to where this book is readable. Harley is crazy like a fox and with Batgirl's brother and the Unknown Soldier in tow, there's a new deal on the board that won't make Waller happy. If you're not a regular reader of this book you may have to double back a issue or two to catch up on what brought us to this point but I think it's worth it.