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Teen Titans #55 (2003)

Teen Titans #55 (2003)

Written by Sean McKeever Art by Eddy Barrows & Rob Hunter
Following up the epic “Titans of Tomorrow” storyline, we catch the Titans in a moment of quiet before the next storm. As one Titan leaves forever, Wonder Girl and Robin explore their newfound feelings for each other as Ravager enjoys herself by pitting Blue Beetle against Kid Devil. And watch out for the introduction of the new Clock King, a modern-day Fagin out to create a villainous team of his own. Fan-favorite writer Sean McKeever continues to deliver his own special blend of excitement and angst sure to keep this book on the top of your must-read pile!

"This is the only way I can describe the absolutely conflicted nature of reading a Sean McKeever-written Teen Titans: it’s a book that he was made to write that he hates writing. There’s so many small moments in this issue that work REALLY well. Any scene with Ravager, Kid Devil or Blue Beetle is like a sweet breath of fresh air after recent months of drowning underneath interminable Titans Of Tomorrow nonsense. There’s a date scene between two characters that’s charming and sweet. There’s an argument at the end of the issue that feels like an argument two teenagers might have. That’s all fun to read and shows a real ability to make a reader care about a character, which is what McKeever did better than anyone at Marvel. But all of those little pieces of goodness are like a suspension bridge of awesome built between coasts of boring, hackneyed superhero fare. The ‘Titans of Tomorrow’ arc was a slog to get through, and looking at the last page of this issue doesn’t make me too excited for the next villainous confrontation. And the less said about the developments with Miss Martian, frankly, the better. All told, McKeever’s at his best in a slower issue like this, but a book like Teen Titans needs a little superhero to go with its teen romance. Too bad McKeever can’t/won’t deliver it."


Written by Sean McKeever Art by Eddy Barrows & Rob Hunter
Following up the epic “Titans of Tomorrow” storyline, we catch the Titans in a moment of quiet before the next storm. As one Titan leaves forever, Wonder Girl and Robin explore their newfound feelings for each other as Ravager enjoys herself by pitting Blue Beetle against Kid Devil. And watch out for the introduction of the new Clock King, a modern-day Fagin out to create a villainous team of his own. Fan-favorite writer Sean McKeever continues to deliver his own special blend of excitement and angst sure to keep this book on the top of your must-read pile!

"This is the only way I can describe the absolutely conflicted nature of reading a Sean McKeever-written Teen Titans: it’s a book that he was made to write that he hates writing. There’s so many small moments in this issue that work REALLY well. Any scene with Ravager, Kid Devil or Blue Beetle is like a sweet breath of fresh air after recent months of drowning underneath interminable Titans Of Tomorrow nonsense. There’s a date scene between two characters that’s charming and sweet. There’s an argument at the end of the issue that feels like an argument two teenagers might have. That’s all fun to read and shows a real ability to make a reader care about a character, which is what McKeever did better than anyone at Marvel. But all of those little pieces of goodness are like a suspension bridge of awesome built between coasts of boring, hackneyed superhero fare. The ‘Titans of Tomorrow’ arc was a slog to get through, and looking at the last page of this issue doesn’t make me too excited for the next villainous confrontation. And the less said about the developments with Miss Martian, frankly, the better. All told, McKeever’s at his best in a slower issue like this, but a book like Teen Titans needs a little superhero to go with its teen romance. Too bad McKeever can’t/won’t deliver it."


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