Warcraft Legend Vol 05

Warcraft Legend Vol 05

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Some of the world's best manga creator join together to bring the world of Warcraft to life as never before. Between these covers lie tales of adventure, treachery humor and bravery. Told from both Alliance and Horde point of view, these stories have entertained the likes of travelers, soldiers and thieves. They have endured the trails of time and have earned the title of legend.
Date Available: 03/21/2018
Some of the world's best manga creator join together to bring the world of Warcraft to life as never before. Between these covers lie tales of adventure, treachery humor and bravery. Told from both Alliance and Horde point of view, these stories have entertained the likes of travelers, soldiers and thieves. They have endured the trails of time and have earned the title of legend.
Date Available: 03/21/2018